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Awaken Flow | Claim your Life

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Производительность Образ жизни
Разработчик Awaken Flow

Imagine in this moment being able to focus on the key perspectives that collapse this Now with a deeply fulfilling Now. Then we would feel peace knowing that we are doing our best and accelerating our transformation to live a vibrant life that is authentic to our soul.

When we focus on overflowing our gifts to the World (while addressing what is arising), healing happens faster so that we can embody the qualities and habits for a joyful, abundant, and connected life where our presence shifts the planet.


= Choose the vibration my soul desires and claim it Now.

+ Take action today no matter how small.

- Observe where I am stumbling and choose a better habit without shame or guilt.

! Celebrate and be grateful for what already is.


Each one of us is responsible for establishing a solid foundation to receive and sustain a deeply fulfilling life.

If we got our dream job and we werent healthy, our body wouldnt be able to keep up with the physical demands of a successful venture. If we found our romantic partner and didnt fully love ourselves we would not be able to sustain that connection with harmony. If we were focused on work and doing our best without enjoying life through our passions, we would loose our desire to keep going.

We get to clear our soil and grow deep roots so that we are best prepared for an abundant and sustainable life. What is required of us is Trust and willingness to Play. Were preparing for a life we cant yet grasp with our conditioned minds, so we ASK to be guided and supported by what Created us. All of us humans where created by something. It doesnt matter what we call IT. It knows us intimately, loves us, and can bring us back to Wholeness.

"In the bee Hive we are all busy being; individual and sovereign souls supporting each other, cross-pollinating our gifts and growing together as co-creators. The garden flourishes and the flow of nectar is sweet."

The bottom of the hexagon is about honoring. We begin by establishing our Self Love, then we take care of our first co-creation: the Body, and finally, we learn how to activate the authentic gift of Relationships.

The top half of the hexagon is about exploring. We take an inner child approach of adventure and observation of life; everything that happens has information for us. We explore our Inner Vision to awaken the Universe within us, we activate our Passions & Hobbies to come back to flow states, and we each explore how we are Sharing my Gifts in the World.

For each of these foundation areas, we focus on the Keys we choose for the duration of a season (13 weeks). This information is summarized on the beesy sheet that the app generates. When we are consistent with the daily activation: we upgrade our subconscious, incorporate better habits, and take aligned actions.

I choose this life to be a journey to experience the deep fulfillment my soul came for. I navigate the unknown by bringing awareness to 6 key foundation areas required to sustain this awakened life. I am busy being instead of doing from conditioning.

I activate all my previous investments in self-development and education by using Awaken Flow’s powerful framework to organize in the Awaken Records area what I’ve learned from teachers, books, workshops, and programs in a way that creates the greatest shift.

This is where the daily activation happens. I am responsible for focusing consistently on strengthening my foundation daily and steadily through the seasons of life. I have enough discipline to align in all areas and I allow flow to guide me through the unknown.

We can accelerate our journey by choosing and connecting with our own wisdom hive. It is made up of the souls we want close and be accountable with, while still being anchored in our own sovereignty. Together we thrive with our Hive as we cross-pollinate and overflow.